A Heart for Campus Missions

When I first stepped onto the university campus in Los Angeles, I had no idea how God would transform my understanding of global missions years later.

For a decade, I drove between campuses and walked those sun-drenched pathways between university buildings, having conversations that would change lives - both the students' and my own.

Each interaction taught me something profound: college years aren't just about earning degrees; they're about discovering who you are and who God is calling you to be.

More Than Just Another Job

People often ask me, "Why campus ministry?" The answer lies in countless moments that have shaped my journey. Like the international student who, far from home and wrestling with loneliness, found not just friendship but a relationship with Christ through our campus fellowship. Or the ambitious engineering student who discovered that academic success can coexist with faith, who eventually became a leader in their campus Christian community.

These stories aren't unique to my time in Los Angeles. They're playing out on campuses worldwide, where students are asking the same fundamental questions: Who am I? What's my purpose? Where do I belong?

A Global Vision Takes Root

Now, I'm with InterVarsity Link, and my role has evolved into something I never imagined but always hoped for. Instead of reaching just the students on my local campus, I help identify and send workers to universities around the world. It's like taking those precious lessons learned in LA and multiplying them across continents.

Each worker we send carries the potential to impact hundreds of students, who in turn influence their communities, their professions, and sometimes even their nations. Think about it - a single student who encounters Christ during their university years might become a teacher who shapes young minds, a doctor who serves with compassion, or a business leader who transforms their workplace with biblical principles.

The Real Impact

Let me share what this looks like on the ground. When we send a campus worker to a university in Asia, Africa, or Europe, they're not just showing up to hold Bible studies. They're:

  • Being present in the everyday moments of students' lives

  • Creating spaces where questions about faith are welcome

  • Building communities where students can belong before they believe

  • Equipping young believers to share their faith naturally

  • Developing leaders who will impact their spheres of influence

A Personal Journey

This ministry is my full-time calling - it's how I serve God and provide for my family. My position with InterVarsity is supported entirely through donations designated specifically for my ministry. Recently, I discovered a $2,000 monthly deficit in my support, which, especially with our new little one, has made me reflect deeply on God's provision and purpose.

But here's what I've learned: when God gives you a vision this big, He also brings together people who share that vision. People who understand that reaching college students today means shaping the world's leaders tomorrow.

Why This Matters Now More Than Ever

In our increasingly connected world, university campuses are more influential than ever. They're where future leaders are formed, where worldviews are shaped, and where students from different cultures and backgrounds come together. Having a Christian presence on these campuses isn't just important - it's crucial.

The students we reach today will be:

  • Tomorrow's decision-makers in government and business

  • Leaders in their communities and churches

  • Influencers in arts and media

  • Pioneers in science and technology

Join This Global Mission

This is where you come in. Your partnership through designated gifts to InterVarsity/USA doesn't just support my family's ministry - it helps send workers to campuses worldwide, reaching students at their most formative moments.

Every designated gift helps:

  • Train and send campus ministers globally

  • Create resources for student outreach

  • Build sustainable campus ministries

  • Support workers on the field

  • Reach students for Christ

Looking Ahead

I dream of a world where every university student has the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel. Where Christian communities on campuses are vibrant and growing. Where students discover that their academic pursuits and faith can strengthen each other.

This isn't just my dream - it's a vision that's been carried forward by faithful partners who believe in the transformative power of campus ministry around the world. People who understand that reaching college students for Christ is one of the most strategic missions we can undertake.

An Invitation to Partner

If this vision resonates with you - if you see the strategic importance of reaching college students globally - I invite you to consider being part of this story. Visit https://give.intervarsity.org/?g=18422,rm,50&v=B082024 to learn more and make a designated gift through InterVarsity/USA to support this ministry.

Your partnership through prayer and designated giving helps ensure that when students step onto their campus - whether in Los Angeles or across the globe - they'll find a community ready to welcome them and share the love of Christ.

Thank you for reading about my journey!

To learn more about me and the work I do through InterVarsity/USA, visit the link below.


My Journey Serving with the Link Ministry